Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have these little dots everywhere...?

i dunno how to really explain it, but i got them like...2 days ago, and they're just getting worse.Like..at first i thought they were bug bites, but they're really small to be bug bites, and i have way tOo many of them. I was thinking i was allergic to something, some of them itch, but they're annoying to have EVERYWHERE...i have some on my legs, stomach, arms, hands, and lot on elbows...i just wanna know how to get rid of this??
Hmmm. Only a dermatologist could say for sure.
It sounds like you're having an allergic reaction to SOMETHING.
Have you changed detergents? Bought a new outfit/sheets/etc. without washing them first? Sat on a couch at somone else's house? Tried a new food?Have you tried Benadryl? It should help with the itching!Good luck!
Sure they're not flea bites? Flea bites are really small. Go to a medical site online and see if you can find a picture that matches. Then go see a doctor!
They might be the chicken pox. You only get them once in a lifetime! They really itch. Go to the doctor!
sounds like chicken pox. to be sure you might want to see a doctor he can tell you for sure what they are. If they itch for the time being you can put calamine lotion on it. Check to see if you are running a fever its possible if you have a fever that its chicken pox. But to be sure see your doctor immediately
i think it is chicken pox because they itch. i suggest you google chicken pox and select image to see the pictures of chickenpox and know whether it is the same with your own

I have the flu?

do you think i should go consult a doctor?
U should go
Of course.
YESAnytime you think you're not feeling well, go to the doctor.
at least call him - he may give you some TamiFlu (sp?)
nooo its just he flu
I think you should go to a pharmacist and ask for pills to get rid of the flu. You should also drink lots of water and get lots of sleep. If you have a sore throat just gargle salt water or drink honey and I think that should help.
sure ... what you waiting for?!
you can't say that you have the flu until you go to the Dr. and he says you have the flu! He will test you for it! He can give you medicine to help with all the symptoms!
Yes, you should certainly go out into public and expose yourself to as many people as possible. Your doctor probably doesn't use a telephone either, so going out into public would be your only option. And I bet you have no idea what to do either. You've probably never heard of getting tons of rest, fluids, and vitamin c. You should definitely put others at risk in order to be told the obvious.
No need. If you're confident that it's a flu virus, then treat it accordingly. But if you feel like it's getting worse in the next day or 2, then a trip to the MD is a good idea.
As the Flu is a virus there is little a doctor can do. They can trat the symptoms and or any secondary infections.
Go to a pharmacy and ask there advice.
Or else drink hot whiskey and lemon
no not unless you feel like you're just to weak to take care of yourself.
If you know it's the flu and have experienced it before (and who hasn't) just treat it the same way you always have. Take Aspirin to relieve aches and pains, drink plenty of fluids (avoid alcohol) and get abundant bed rest. If you have an accompanying fever, bundle up in bed and sweat it out, until the fever breaks.
Get well fast.
Unless you are under the age of 6 or over the age of 60 ride it out. Everyone gets the flu. People with serious problems need over worked doctors more than healthy flu sufferers.

I have terrible skin and my mom doesn't understand. help?

i have horrible acne and acne scars all over my face. my face is discolored and has dark areas all over. i also have tons of blackheads in my nose, and whiteheads on my cheeks and chin. and my face is so oily, i can wash my face and 5 min later it'll be oily again.it's wrecking my life. i feel so low. i don't feel normal. i would rather not be living. my mom won't even look into taking me to a dermatologist because she says its too expensive and we can't afford it. we can barely afford our rent.
i tried to tell my mom all the time how it's wrecking my life, but she keeps telling me it's all in my head and love my skin.HELLO! how can i love my skin when it's full of disgusting crap. i always look dirty and it sucks. i just want a fresh, smooth, clear, even toned, face.ugh this sucks!if you are reading this you're awesome. thanks for taking the time to read this and answer.i need help, advice big time.
The teen years are horrible enough without acne aren't they, but it's something that everybody will or has been thru all because of hormones. It actually means you are growing up. Here is a great site that provides alot of tips and very important info that you need to remember and that are free. Sometimes things you don't think about unless someone tells you, and they also tell you what ingredients to look for in the products you buy and so on.
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/acne.About your mom - you probably inherited your skin type from her, and I bet she went thru the same thing at your age. Ask her how she took care of her face at your age and was her's in as bad as yours. She may share some of her beauty secrets with you!An alternative to a dermatologist, which is expensive, is either your regular doctor or maybe even the health department or a low cost clinic in the area. After everything else is tried, just talk to your mom about this and ask if she can think of a low cost way for you to see any doctor about your skin. She might even be able to ask friends, family, or around work for suggestions on where to go in your area.
If she won't take you to a dermatologist, would she take you to a doctor for a course of anti-biotics?
I took my son and he was prescribed some medication which did the trick.
Okay, first you need to change your outlook. This is something you can work through and it's temporary, it's not worth wanting to die for. Secondly.. I know you see all these expensive treatments for acne.. but really... Buy a bar of Dial antibactierial soap. It's cheap.. and it works as well as the other stuff. Wash your face every morning and night with the Dial. Someone told me to try this and it WORKED for me. Good Luck!
You can still see a pediatrician or your family doctor. This should not be too costly. You may also try the website of web MD and look for some info by yourself.
My friend's son has a similar but much worse problem. He needs to take pills/ get shots to regulate his hormone to control his skin condition. Try to consult the professional and find the root of it. Usually it's not just the skin if it's very serious.
Besides, your mood may influence your hormone, thus your skin. So try to relax(I know it's hard). Try exercises. Drink plenty of water. Eat more veggie and fruit. Sleep enough at nighttime.
Regular cleaning is very important, too. You know, shower everyday, wash your face and all that. If you do not shampoo your hair regularly(at least every 2-3 days), the oil on your face would increase.
Last of all, but not the least, remember you are a precious existence, regardless of how you look. Focus on your talent and develop a healthy hobby (sports, writing, just to name a few) and culture your confidence. Many people actually grew out of their skin condition simply because the violent fluctuation of hormone level would finally come to an end when they reach 20 or so.
Buy some Tetradox and Benzamycin for your face. And wash your face with Av茅nne cleaning gel. It will cure your acne problem because I'm using those medicines too. And they're not too expensive, so you can afford it.Take a Tetradox after breakfast and after lunch (with a lot of water), and use Benzamycin every morning. Also, wash your face 2 times a day with Av茅nne ,it will cure your oily skin.Good luck with your acne problem.
apply lemon juice to your face about 5 times a day... in about 3 days you should see and feel a difference.

I have swollen lymph nodes on my face...how long does it take for them to go away?

Here's a diagram of where your lymph nodes are located:
http://face-and-emotion.com/dataface/ana...... and, yes, there are some on your face, just below your ear and chin. If they are swollen for the most common reason, infection, they should be gone within a week or so.I have some that never go away and are hard and rubbery feeling. No known cause but they are always there.
There are no lymph nodes ON your face.
I hope whatever you have clears up soon.
Best wishes.

I have sugar everyday, is that bad?

like oatmeal tastes bland with out sugar and like my tea and stuff. is it too much?/? should i always try to use a little bit or try to use none at all?? i have already tried the suger replacements but doctor said that they're unhealthy and plus costly for me !!i just don't want diabeties and stuff
Sugar does not, I repeat--does not!, cause diabetes. Genetics and overweight does. Because sugar is a carb, then a diabetic does have to watch how much they eat but they don't have to cut it out of their diet. Go to dlife.com for info. Professionals formed the site, they answer questions and they give true info.
If you don't use a lot of it, and dont have it in a lot of other foods, it won't hurt you.
diabeties runs throu my family but i have sugar everyday...
in my coffee which i have 1 suga..i have around 3cups a day
Well, to stay healthy, you want to avoid TOO much sugar, but also to stay healthy you need to have a reasonable amount of sugar each day. You must watch the sugar counts especially if diabetes runs in your family...
It's really all about balance... just educate yourself about the contents of prepackage foods %26 sugars in juices %26 so forth.
It's better to be PRO-Active rather the Re-Active to problems
caused by unhealthy food. Honestly, the more natural, uncooked foods, the better- the best to keep off the white stuff
sugar, flour, %26 sodiem, and you'll be doing your body good-
or atleast cut way down, use it to lightly season-only!
Maybe spreading out your sugar intake will help your situation. If I'm not mistaken, the problem you want to avoid is forcing your pancreas to produce lots of insulin to balance a high sugar level. If you eventually get pregnant, you will be give a glucose tolerance test and that will provide some information as to how your body handles sugar.
just try less sugar and in the morning if u eat oatmeal try cereal and you can have little sugar in tea but try 2 add lemon 2 it
eating too much sugar does NOT cause diabetes!! eating too much sugar will eventually make ya fat.and one of the main factors in developing TYPE 2 diabetes is being overweight

I have suffered severe bloodloss and my ferritin level is 6,what is normal?

I have a bowel condition which means i have constant bloodloss my ferritin is 6 and hb low what would be normal and what does this mean?
i assume you mean its 6 ng/mL correct? okay well the normal for a male is about 12-300 ng/ml and females is about 12-150 ng/ml basically what this an indication of how much iron is stored in your body, it is usually past of an iron blood test workup, the most worrisome issue about low ferritin is that it means you have low iron, which can lead to anemia, for your hb (hemoglobin) being low, hemoglobin is basically just a protein in your blood that carries oxygen, the lower your hemoglobin the less oxygen you body can carry, normal levels of Hb for males are about 14 -17 gm/dL, and 12-15 gm/dL for females, low hemoglobin can also be a sign of anemia, hope that helps, Good luck : D
I think the ferritin levels should be about 12 on average which is classed as 'normal'. Isn't this linked in with iron intake also, so if you take the right medication it should boost it back up again over time.I don't know about the 'fix' for this, I'm just going on what I remember from watching a medial video a while ago!
At a doctors visit they can give you a test to see if your low. I once went to donate blood and was told I couldn't because I only had enough for myself. That had been like 2 days after my period. And I tend to bleed allot. They had done a small strip test with a dot of blood from my finger. I imagine since you are aware of your problem. You must see a doctor from time to time. Talk these worries over with your doctor. Do to your problem I imagine he must have you on some sort of medicine. Drink grape juice daily that is very good to recuperate loss blood. Now that I remember in order to donate I had to be at least a 12. So yes 6 is low.
Ferritin is a form of storage iron
the normal serum level is: 15-200 ng/mL (15-200 mg/L)
so your body does not have enough iron stored to make hemoglobin for red blood cells to transport oxygen
through your bodyThe normal iron content of the body is 3 to 4 grams. It exists in the following forms:Hemoglobin in circulating red cells 鈥?approximately 2 grams
Iron containing proteins, 400 mg
Iron bound to transferrin in plasma 鈥?3 to 7 mg
The remainder is storage iron in the form of ferritin or hemosiderin.Your doctor may have told you to take iron
it is best absorbed with acid substances like orange juice
vitron c is iron with vitamin c (ascorbic acid)iron absorption is blocked by tea or coffee so do not take your iron with these drinkswork with your doctor on this and get better soon
Normal Values of ferritin:
Male: 12-300 ng/mL
Female: 12-150 ng/mL
Note: ng/ml = nanograms per milliliter
The lower the ferritin level, even within the "normal" range, the more likely it is that the patient does not have enough iron.
How to lower/raise: avoid or eat foods rich in iron: eggs, liver, red meat, soy products. Also cook or avoid cooking with a cast iron skillet.

I have sudden onset of visual disturbances?

They last about 6 seconds and there is no blurred vision but eveything is distorted.One episode lasted 13 seconds.I do not have any headaches with it but apart from migraine what could his be.I am waiting for an MRI scan and an appoitment with an opthamologist.Any one else experience this?
doc plans mri to see if tumors causin the problems,,,visual disturbance occurs in ms,other motor neuron diseases,diabetes too,askem to draw blood check insulun,antibody content,search for nematodes
Check with your Doctor about Vertigo..
Can be many things. I am sure this is why you have been scheduled for an MRI. It may be your eyes, migraine, allergies, high or low glucose, tension headaches, and of course there are other things some more serious then others such as MS. But do not worry about it. Everything has a treatment and the MRI will help pin point the problem.
your test will; show whats wrong and i suspect nothing serious so dont worry you'll be ok Good Luck
3..could it be a problem with your vision. If you need glasses maybe some sort of eye strain. If not it could be to do with diabetes. Did you ask your doctor what he though it was likely to be or what they are looking for on the MRI maybe if you gave him a call he could help put your mind at rest. Good luck hop[e it turns out not to be anything serious.

I have stretch marks on my stomic, how do i get rid of them?

There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things. First of all is the color and age of the stretch marks. If they have faded to a flesh color they are much harder to heal.The cheapest stretch mark treatment available is creams made especially for stretch marks. The most effective creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams actually heal and rebuild the damaged skin. While they may not be able to completely eliminate stretch marks, they may at least make the stretch marks fade to a barely visible scar. If you wish to know more abt getting rid of stretch marks, you can check out this site:
electric sander
Nothing will get rid of them, but there are some things you can do to fade them. Strivectin helped me, and Shea butter makes the skin smoother. So one fades and the other smooths. Don't get sucked in at the drugstore either by false claims. I use tan lotion over mine too, the dark color helps conceal
cocoa butter helps. Getting a tan helps more.
They fade but the never go away.

I have strepp throat, what should I do? (Details)?

I heard that takking antibiotics too soon will weaken your immune system, but I also heard that your body can't heal the tonsils by itself.I've had the strepp throat and a fever for about 3-4 days now. The fever has been on and off.Should I take antibiotics?
When there is a fever involved, YES you need antibiotics. Also taking motrin will help along with gargling with warm, salt water every half hour or so.
You can drink hot tea with honey in it to soothe the throat also.
Drink plenty of fluids and gargle. By all means, go to the doctor and get on an antibiotic.
Hey just go an take a glass of water pour salt in it and Gargle. PS little bits at a time OK
YES! Otherwise you are contagious. You need to be on anti-biotics for 48 hrs before you are considered not contagious. You will need to get to a dr. asap to get these anti-biotics. I hope you get better soon. Take care.
The way I get rid of mine is, I eat apples and bananas and it goes away in 3 days. It works for me all the time. I haven't had that back for months now. Try it and see what happens. I hope it works for you. Good Luck!
I can't tell you how to get rid of it, but I can tell you what will make you feel better.
Find someone you don't like and give them a big kiss!!
Go to your Dr and let them do a throat culture to find out what antibiotic you require. Being continually exposed to antibiotics can eventually build up a resistance to them but there are so many different kinds out there now. I would not let that stop me from seeking help. I would be more worried about dehydration from days of fever, scarlet fever from letting strep go untreated, and infecting those around me.
If you've had the condition for "3-4 days" you are
defininately a candidate for the proper anti-biotic.
Get a prescription, take the whole prescribed course,
don't quit when you start to feel better.
Salt water gargles sometimes help.
If your trouble is tonsilitis it's a matter for a physician.
Few people know this, but hydrogen peroxide is good for a sore throat. Gargle with it in your throat in the morning and at night. Make sure that you do not swallow it! This may kill enough of the germs in your throat that you can get over it on your own. Orange juice and tea are both known to help your body fight off diseases. Drinking some of this each day would also be a good idea. If you are still very sick after 3 or 4 more days, you should definitely see a doctor. I hope this helps.
Streptococcus infection (strep throat) may eventually "go away". However, you are very likely to be left with cardiac damage (rheumatic fever). You must see a physician for a throat swab, get diagnosed, and take antibiotics. Antibiotics will not weaken your immune system. Antibiotics kill bacteria.
take antibiotics. By the way, the antibiotics are only used to prevent rheumatic fever, which could be fatal, not to cure any bacterial infection.

I have strep throught and I'm almost done with the meds but not helping!?

How long until I can swallow again? Or eat or sleep with out this pain I'm a p*ssy but man it hurts should I go to the doctor its been like 10 days!
I would see the doctor again. Also, I would make sure that you finish all of your meds even if it does start to get better at some point because that's the only way. Another possibility is that maybe you contracted another strand of Strep Throat than the one you are treating now. This happened to me. It's like the common cold or the flu, you never get the same strand twice because after getting sick from one strand, you can develop antibodies against it so if you ever get infected by that strand again, you will be able to fight it off. That could be the case that happened to you.
You need to call your doctor and see him again. You should feel much better after a 10 day course of antibiotics. Your doctor might want to retest (another throat culture) and this time run it with sensitivities (what antibiotic will fight it best).
Go back to the DR. very soon. You may have a Strep that is resistant to the antibiotic you are taking.
you should finish your antibiotics completely. call your doctor and set another appointment
You need another course of antibiotics or a different antibiotic. When your throat was swabbed, your physician should have done a C%26S (culture %26 sensitivity) to determine what antibiotics your particular variety of streptococcus is sensitive to. The results of this C%26S determine what antibiotic you get. Please contact your physician; obviously your current course of antibiotics is not working for you.
Yes, you should at least call your doctor. There are 2 possibilities; 1) your strep throat is very severe and a ten day course of antibiotics is not enough. 2) your strep throat has some immunity to the drugs that were prescribed so it's not responding to treatment which means that you might need a different or stronger antibiotic.

I have strep throat and it's sorta difficult to swallow?

it's not cause of pain but its lke my glands are swollen or i have a lot mucus in my throat i've been on antibiotics since sunday
My son had strep throat - a lot! five or six times in one year! The only cure was penicillin. One shot and it started to clear up in 24 hours. If you still have swelling, mucus and pain, you did not get penicillin and you will definitely have problems later in life.If you indeed, did have a penicillin shot, then maybe it was misdiagnosed because a throat culture was not taken. If you have glands swelling in your neck, throat and under/behind your ears you may have the mumps! Penicillin will do nothing for them.Go see your doctor again! Something is not right.
Try drinking bottled water.
Take ibuprofen, which will help with the pain and swelling. Gargle with warm salt water about every 4 hours. This will help with the pus/drainage on your tonsils. Keeping the air moist, such as using a cool-water humidifier where you sleep will help.
You may have edema of the throat. This may be addressed by gargling with warm (not hot) salt water. Reason? Chemically, water follows salt. The salt will "draw out" the water and decrease your edema and mucus. As an added bonus, if there are microbes in your throat, they will die without this water. Caution: this won't cure you! Keep taking your antibiotics.
Take Advil for the swelling and try very cold stuff, like popsicles! I get it all the time when I get strep. BTW--is it possible you're allergic to the antibiotic?? An allergic reaction can also cause swelling of the throat and can be deadly!
911! 911! my friend had that s a kid-----------didnt go to doc---------it laid in body for years---------------------you lost her kidneys behind it.

I have strep throat and can't eat anything it burns help please!?

I got a shot from my doctor in the hip so I'm really sore I can swallow my spit now but I can't eat anything it burns I need advice
Try cool things--popsicles and ice cream. No nutritional value, but it will feel good on your throat. Besides, you feel crummy; you deserve a little treat! It's only for a day or two, and by then your antibiotic will have kicked in and it won't be such an issue anymore.Also, to keep hydrated, suck on ice cubes/chips. The cold will soothe your tonsils, and you really need to keep your fluids up as much as possible.When your throat starts to feel better, start on some warm things: tea, soup, ramen, etc.Hope you're feeling better soon! Strep sucks! { }
I have strep too! :( I have tried eating top ramen noodle stuff. and drinking Ensure Plus. I know how you feel...
Try something cold, like icecream or a milk shake. Jello is a good thing to eat also. It slides right down. Maybe scrambled eggs, applesauce and how about pudding. Good Luck!
Just fight through it. I had strep about a month ago. in a day or two it should calm down a little. Try to drink lots of water even though it hurts so you wont get dehydrated.
maybe melted ice cream would help. It will still hurt some but not as much and you wont be hungry. Cold drinks-especially water are good too but stay away from citrus and carbonation; it will scratch and hurt worse. Apple juice and the like will work best. Good luck!
Liquid Advil or Ibuprofen. Follw the directions on the bottle. This help releive the pain while the antibiotic is working.
The best thing is numbing medicine. Either cepacol drops or spray or phenol spray. Give the back of your trhoat a good shot of it and it'll get numb enough for you to eat somthing. Don't eat anything to abrasive though, or when it wears off you'll pay the price. Stick to soft stuff like the others gave advice for, applesauce/ice cream etch. Don't overdose on your numbing medicine either...use it as is directed on the bottle.

I have strange symptoms... could it be the flu? Mono?

It started with a bad headache that wouldn't go away for days and then I woke up one morning shivering because I had a really high temperature. This is the third day that I've been having fevers and the weird thing is that they are not stable at all. Once I took my temperature and it lowered .5 points, then I checked it again and it shot back up .4 points within a minute. The highest that I've gotten so far (that I'm aware of) is 102.7~ but it will be high like that sometimes and 98.6 other times.I also have one swollen lymph node (on the right) and the right side of my neck is sore and swollen. I've been sleeping a LOT also, but when I'm awake I get weird energetic surges. I get nauseous at times, but it's very sudden and lastes maybe twenty minutes, and I've vomited once already.
And the temperatures changing so dramatically affect me... one minute I'll be hot and the next I'm freezing. I do have an apetite.
What could this be symptoms of? Suggestions?
Influenza is a respiratory disease. You don't mention any respiratory symptoms, so we can rule that out.Swollen lymph nodes indicate infection. Elevated temperature (anything over 101) indicates your body is attempting to combat infection by raising your temperature to kill the microbes.This is not something that can be diagnosed over ByeDr.com. You must be evaluated and diagnosed by a physician. There are many many different things this could be.
It's not likely the flu, because you haven't really identified the respiratory symptoms. These include the ones you have listed (headache, fever- sudden onset, lasts 3-4 days, fatigue- may last 3 weeks or more), but there are also general aches and pains, , runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, chest discomfort and coughing, and sometimes sneezing. The symptoms almost always need to have a respiratory component to it.For mono, symptoms typically manifest as fever, painful, productive sore throat, swelling of the lymph nodes, and enlargement of the spleen and liver. It doesn't sound like this is what you are describing either.

I have spots on my tounge and they hurt how do i get rid of them?

stop telling lies!!
Caneston cream, you have thrush
Well are they white? Could be thrush... which means yeast infection (from things like HIV).. Or could be not enough water or vitamin c... When I drink too much pop or energy drinks, my tongue gets a sore spot (tiny white dot) which goes away after I drink enough water.
Never,Never give cunnilingus!!
it will be ok after a week...im sure of it i have like that before...
Could be thrush - try Diflucan tablet.
Could be ulcers (more likely actually) - try Bonjela or using a medicated mouthwash like Oraldene.
If they don't clear up within 3 days of using those treatments though - go to the doctor!
It is most likely an inflamed taste bud. You get them when you are eating/drinking too much of one thing for a period of time. I usually get them from drinking too much soda or eating a lot of sweets, so I just stop eating/drinking them until the "tounge pimples" go away after a few days.
see doctor it could be thrush meanwhile eat yoghurt to relieve it and give you some good bacteria back
It could be trush or if they have are red and very sore - maybe they are mouth ulcers.It best to see a GP or better still your denist! Make sure you eat lots of fruit and veg as it good source of vitamins and minerals and drink plenty of water.Also make sure your dental hygeine is up to scratch - buy a new toothbrush and brush your teeth twice a day - sing Happy Birthday to yourself in your head as that is how long you should be brushing your teeth each day. Hope this helps!Lx
they are probably just ulsers and will go naturally give it 5 days try not to eat sweets or crisps or anything to salty or sugary if they do not go after 5 days go to the doctorsto get rid of them quicker go to the chemist and get bonjella or any other ulser rememedy
it sounds like thrush go to the doctor
Are you sure they are not mouth ulcers as they are very sore. get some mouth ulcer gel from your chemist and some antiseptic mouth wash.

I have spinal stenosis lately i have terrible pain in my legs dose anyone know what this could be?

Spinal stenosis is described as narrowing of the spinal canal (where spinal cord and nerves go from your brain down).There are many causes for spinal stenosis, the most common cause is degenerative (due to aginig) but it could be congenital, could be due to slipping of one of the vertebrae or disc herniation (slipped disc ).The main symptoms are bilateral (Both legs) leg pain (leg pain is more than back pain), mainly when you walk or stand for a long period of time, the pain usually relieved by sitting down or bending your back.Spinal stenosis causes compression (and stretching) of the nerves going down to your legs, this is why you feel leg pain.You need to have MRI scan to know exactly the cause, the degree and the level of your spinal stenosis.The treatment depends on the degree of stenosis (narrowing), the cause, the level ( whether it is one level or multiple levels ) and the age of the patient.If the degree of narrowing is severe and the patient is active and fit for surgery, the treatement is surgical decompression of the spinal canal ( this entails removing the bony arch at the back of the vertebra to create more room for the nerves and spinal cord ) . If stenosis is affecting more than one vertebra you will need decompression of the vertebrae AND fusion ( the decomressed vertebrae have to be fused or stiffened together using bone graft ).Some minor degree of stenosis might respond to steroid injection in to the spinal canal (epidural injection) followed by physiotherapy.Good Luck
As far as the leg pain, it could be related to your stenosis and /or could be nerve pain or an inflamed sciatic nerve. If you have not yet been evaluated by a neurologist, now may be a good time. My husband also has stenosis of the spine. I don't mean to paint a bleak picture for you, but after trying pain meds (a waste of time - it did not cure/help the pain) lumbar injections, and various forms of physical therapy, my husband finally had to resort to back surgery. So far he has had 2 surgeries (and refuses to have any more) and has been able to get rid of some of the pain. He still has some pain in his back and legs, and his left foot is partially numb. But, at least he is now able to return to work. Before the surgeries, he would have days where his pain was so bad (and he's a pretty tough guy) he literally could not get out of bed and would end up missing work. Best of luck to you - I understand the pain that you are experiencing.
Hi, been down the road you are travelling now.I too have trouble with my back,I suffered with pain in my leg,I was told that I had a herinated disc in lumbar spine.I tried every thing but in the end i required surgery.I had 2 surgerys.I still have no relief Once nerves are damaged I really don't know what to say.The pain in your legs come from your problem in your back.You probably have tingling and numbness as well.If the pain continues,I would return to my doctor,to see if there is anything they can do.They may refer you to a neurosurgeon,or another specialist.I really understand what you are experienceing.Please take care,I wish you well.

I have sore, red dry patches above both of my eyes?

I do wear a bit of eye make-up, and if you think these patches could be an allergy, i have changed the brand so much can anyone suggest a brand of make-up that is gentle? thank you
you need eumovate cream from doc put small amount on eyelids before bed every night for a week then just apply once a week before bed this will work. you may be able to get it over the counter , not sure.
stay away from me! yuk!
See,it was OK in the days when it was all tested on animals
Now if you do'nt rub on or around the sore area that is sore alot!?! then it could be the make~up that's irritating the eyes/area!?! it might even be do to dust in certain rooms either in your home,school,work~place!?! Or friends or family members homes that you frequent often !?! Or if you are still using the heating system at home., It might even be some dust that's caught in the ducts or something !?!-7-3-o7- `'R,r`r.r'r,r`.'-
its really good to wear an eye cream. I always use estee lauder, but oil of olay has a good one, as does clinque. Good luck

I have some strange red spots on my arm?

the biggest one is about an inch in diameter, and the smallest is maybe a centimeter. but theres like sx of them and my other arm has two small ones. theyre sort of itchy and it doesnt hurt to scratch them. i didnt have them when i fell asleep last night. what is it? is it contagious?
sounds like a spider bite.see a doc/.
could be chicken pox u shoul go to a docter fast
Maybe hives? You would probably get those all over your body, though. If they're not raised, it could be ringworm, which is contagious. I think it's more likely to be hives or an allergic reaction of some sort, though.
i dunno exactly what they are but i think they might me some kind of allergy? lol i thinks its better not to scratch them. i have eczema and scratching makes it bleed, badly.
Actually it sounds like dermatitis which is just an allergic reaction to something. To be safe however go to a dermatologist so they can check you out.Also if they are in clusters it may be a smart idea to hurry up and go to the doctor or else these six spots could turn into more and spread.
Allergy or rashes from heat. I got red spots too, but it's on my face, about 1 cm in diameter. It's heat rashes for me. Better consult your doctor about it.
it could be a number of things
1. chicken pox
2. dengue
3. allergy to sumthingget yourself checkd fast. make sure they do a blood test and white blood cell count

I have some questions?

1.How do I know if I have a tapeworm
2.How do I treat a tapeworm if I have one
3.Can you die from a tapeworm
I have to ask these because I am worried because my dog licked
me on the lips and my science teacher told my class that is one way to get a tapeworm and I don't want one.
If you have tapeworms then you can see it in your poop. They're little tiny pin like worms.
You have to go to the doctor for it. I had to once, it's no biggie, they just give you medicine and that kills it.
here is a link about the general info on tapeworms. No you typically dont die from a tapeworm and if you have one, the doctor gives you a pill that kills it.
Stop being so silly! Not very dang likely, is it?
Tapeworm infection 鈥?symptoms, treatments and more. ... Signs and symptoms. Most people who are infected with tapeworm don't show symptoms. ...www.mayoclinic.com/health/t... - 24k - Cached
Tapeworm infection - MayoClinic.com
Tapeworm infection 鈥?symptoms, treatments and more. ... organisms mature in the intestines and often result in few to no symptoms. ...www.mayoclinic.com/health/t... - 25k - Cached
tapeworm : signs - symptoms and disease information
tapeworm disease information including causes, signs and symptoms. ... Signs and Symptoms of Tapeworm. Very frequently, tapeworms will not produce any symptoms. ...myelectronicmd.com/get_refe... - 12k - Cached
tapeworm symptoms Search Results From Healthline
Tapeworm infestation does not usually cause any symptoms. ... Tapeworm infection symptoms, treatments and more. ... Tapeworm Infection Treatment and Symptoms. ...www.healthline.com/search?q... - 34k - Cached
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Hymenolepiasis
Symptoms. Signs and tests. Treatment. Expectations (prognosis) Complications ... by one of two species of tapeworm: Hymenolepis nana or Hymenolepis diminuta. ...www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus... - 20k - Cached

I have some minor kidney problem tha course pain at my abdoment.?

I had some test but the results shows no big problem but some infection only. My doctor prescribed these drags ciprofloxacin and cataflam for 10 days yet I am not okey.Iam living in deeveloping country where there is poor medication , what do you think I can do to aviod further continuetion of this proble
Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic used to treat or prevent certain infections caused by bacteria. Ciprofloxacin is also used to treat or prevent anthrax in people who may have been exposed to anthrax germs in the air. Ciprofloxacin extended-release (long-acting) tablets are used only to treat certain types of urinary tract infections. Ciprofloxacin is in a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. It works by killing bacteria.
Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections.
Diclofenac is used to relieve pain, tenderness, swelling, and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis (arthritis caused by a breakdown of the lining of the joints), rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis caused by swelling of the lining of the joints), and ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that mainly affects the spine). Diclofenac immediate-release (short-acting) tablets are also used to treat painful menstrual periods and pain from other causes. Diclofenac is in a class of medications called NSAIDs. It works by stopping the body's production of a substance that causes pain, fever, and inflammation.
Please conduct Urinalysis and Urine culture at a clinical laboratory. Consult an Urologist.
Please see the web pages for more details on Ciprofloxacin and Diclofenac (generic name) Cataflam (brand name)

I have some medical problem??

i have a small problem.. i have pain in my chest(right side nipple)..im guilty to say this to some one also..i do smoke but not a chain smoker i have no probs in my breathing lungs etc,.. but my nipple is just paining if i touch that..my age is 22.or is this any age matural problem??..is there any chances of big dieseases..im so afraid of this plz clear my doubt
Hi there
It could be absolutely nothing, but I would go to a doctor and have that checked out. Men do get breast cancer and pain in the nipple is only one sign. I doubt that is it, but better to be safe and find out asap.
You should really see a doctor. My mother had what she thought was just a sore muscle in her abdomen. Turned out to be a tumor from her lung had spread to her intestine. She died six weeks ago. Please, for your own sake see a doctor ASAP. And for Heaven's sake quit smoking already!
Wish you the best.

I have some habbits that i want to get rid of but how?

I have habbits like biting my nails, and other stubborn habbits but biting my nails is the big one for me. HELP!
Lebron James does it constantly during a game. As long as you get ten blocks and thirty points, it's O-K.
There is some really nasty tasting nail polish that you won't be able to bite. If you are old enough though, getting acrylic nails would be the clincher. (Ask your parents at 13) No one, no matter how desperate, could bite on those!
Take up knitting or read
It's suppose to take either twenty or thirty days to break a habit (I forget which). Try wearing gloves.
Yup biting nails is a not good habit, n u wanna get rid of it.To do this u need to think of it all the time. U need to understand that you and only u have to take efforts for it.
Plan 1 : Dont ever think that biting is a bad habbit...keep biting them untill u get bored and then leave.
Plan 2: Always think that you are being watched especially by you and u are going to tease urself when u try to bite the nail.
get maskin tape and tape the ends of your fingers...it looks kinda silly but it works
you can also put bandaids instead of tape
Start with Ginger's advice and add a reward for stopping. Promise that when you no longer bite your nails you will buy or do something special for yourself, I usually I buy myself a book that I really want after I've accomplished my goal.

I have some bump thingy in my ear lobe?

im 12 %26 a couple of months ago i was feeling a bump in my left ear lobe i didnt worry bout it cuz i thought it wuz just my closed ear hole(piercing) then it got bigger a couple days ago so today i m gonna c a docter but what do u think it could b?
I used to peirce ears. I can't remember what is is called anymore but it's from the closed peircing. Don't worry about it eventually your body will absorb it.
It's just a pimple inside your ear. There's really no reason to see a doctor unless it doesn't go away in a couple of weeks.
Sounds like some kind of infection.Can you pop this bump.It might just be clogged since you let it close.But yes seeing a doctor will be a good idea as well.
Ask your mommy, kid.
Basically, it's scar tissue from when your ears were pierced. You are allergic to the earrings you wore, and scar tissue formed around the piercing. I had my ears pierced several times when I was younger. I tried "only 14 kt gold" and the fish hook backless kind--it didn't matter. The scar tissue got bigger and so I just can't wear them. Use Neosporin to calm the inflammation on your earlobes.

I have small bumps all over my back and top of my shoulders?

What the hell could I have.? I scratch them and a little white grain comes out of them.
They're little zits. I have them too. It's hard not to pick them, it's one of my worst habits. Try a face wash on your back and try your hardest to leave them alone. Nothing to worry about!
Pimples...shower with a friend,get your back scrubbed...
Neutrogena acne bar (soap).
calcium build up. Get a body brush and scrub.
i think it might be pimples or a scatch but ask your doctor for the right anwer.
they are probably just milk bumps. like what babies get after they are born. just use some aloe lotion or some aveeno lotion.
Pimples, get some non-grease acne wash. I should clear up in a few days. Don't eat greasy food, or get to sweaty.
You eat greasy food, 30% gets excreated through your skin when you sweat, hence the pimples.
i have that on my arms. idk what it is... but if you scrub and exfoliate twice a day for two weeks it should clear up if you have oily skin make sure you use the right product... if you have dry skin make sure to put some sort of moiturizer on after exfoliation. hope i could help!
It's called keratosis pilaris. It's a form of atopic dermatitis, or eczema. It's difficult to get rid of...scratching it definitely won't help it. My suggestion is super-hydration with a lotion like Neutrogena's Deep Moisturizer cream or Bag Balm and some mild topical steroid (hydrocortisone works just fine).
Paul T nailed it on the head! That is exactly what it is! my son has this on his tricep area of his arms. we have battled dry skin w/him since he was born. now, let me tell you this. VERY important. this is a dry skin condition. the more you scrub, the WORSE it will get! do NOT use anything abrasive in those areas. no special cleansers, no acne meds, no scrubs, nothing! generously apply moisturizing lotion several times daily. if it itches use lanocaine or hydrocortisone. we have found that the very best lotion for our son is Aveeno sensitive skin lotion. it has colloidal oatmeal in it and it is amazing!!! you can even buy the body wash to use in those areas. Aveeno products are available at Wal-Mart and most drugstores. You may have to look in the area where baby lotions are. Sometimes they stock it there. It is such good stuff that I actually took time to write a letter to the company to express my gratitude when my son was very little. He had a severe problem w/ infant eczema. if it can help w/ that it can definitely help the milder form you have now. u have to be dilligent about using it, but it really has worked for us. just do not scrub, use no soap or use a special cleanser for sensitive skin, and MOISTURIZE!!! (other products that u may also find that help are Cetaphil soap/cleanser, Nutragena bar soap/or liguid body cleanser. these are just WAY more expensive!) good luck, i hope you see a difference quickly.

I have sleep paralysis, is there something my doctor can prescribe me to help with this?

i will wake up with the feeling that there is 500 lbs on my chest and i cannot move, i have a loud ringing in my ears and i feel like there is something evil/malicious in the room that is trying to hurt me, not necessarily a person, more like a spirit. some people say these are OBE's, some say its sleep paralysis. I was wondering what are some good meds or techniques to help with this, its very annoying and some nights i can't even sleep because everytime i drift off to sleep im awoken by this feeling.
Sleep paralysis is a normal occurance. Its your bodys way of keeping you from acting out your dreams. The problem is your mind is too active and is not completely going to sleep. You should try some different forms of meditation to clear your mind and prepare it for sleep. Stay away from Caffeine for a while and see if that helps. I know if I have too much caffeine too close to bedtime my body will be exhausted but my mind is still nervous and has trouble shutting down.

I have shortness of breath?

And burning leg soles and rough handsoles. What symptoms?
http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/...check this site out. I know that SOB accompanied with swelling in the extremities (peripheral edema) can be a tell-tale sign of heart failure. But HF is uncommon for someone under 40.
might b a panic/anxiety attack but i don't know so just go to webmd.com and go to the symptom checker and put in all the things that are going on that aren't normal for u and it should give u some answer or answers. and if i was u id go to the doctor in the next few days if u keep having shortness of breath for more than 24hrs.
I had the same thing.Go to the grocery store or Walmart and buy some Apple Cider Vinegar. Add one tablespoon to a full glass of distilled water and drink it. Do this 3 times a day with a meal if you like. It will change your ph from less acid to more alkyaline and you will really be surprised at the results.I know because it worked for me.http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=a0ogkmmotingg2...

I have sharp pains in my chest, whats wrong?

I'm 14, and dont smoke or anything, and have been getting sharp pains in my chest. they usually go away when i eat something, but this time they arent going away..i have taken 2 tylenol, and 3 tums...and the pain is constant, but will let up every 5 minutes..it really hurts and i think somethin might be wrong with me..my mom just says its heartburn, but i doubt it hurts this bad and for this long..
Yea that happened to me to im 16
the doctor said its organs i nthe body streching do to growing and what happens it it leaves air bubbles so to speak in your thoracic cavity beneath your heart
so its actually just air or gas so to speak
dont worry
if its really bugging you ask your mom to take you to the doctor. better safe than sorry.
U presses your own chest while sleeping.

I have severe pain in my lower left side back and is tender under my ribs?

The pain is constant and it worsened like two months ago. I have Kidney Stones last year and I use to have noticible bright orange sand in my urine all the time for years, specially when I drink beer, now I cant see any sand in my urine
Severe pain needs a doctors attention. It sounds like it may be something wrong with the kidneys. You need to see a doctor.
you need to call you doc or go to an urgent care center if it that bad . no answer here will cure you
You could have stone that is stuck in the tube that comes out of your kidneys to your urethra. You need to seek professional help ASAP!! It is impossible to diagnose you here so get to a doc quick!!

I have severe lower back pain and other weird symptoms please help!!?

for 2 wks, ive had severe pain (right side under my rib cage) that started in the front, with vomiting slight fever. the er sent me home said NOTHING is wrong me with now since last week ive had green diarhea(gross sorry) the pain has gone into my back same position lower right side, it hurts to sleep, stretch or breath. i dont want to go back to the ER cause they will think I'm crazy i dont have insurance or a doctor. any ideas what it might be or what i should do?? please help!
Go back to the ER. They are often reluctant to treat people without insurance, but your symptoms are troubling. You seem to have an infection in your gastrointestinal system. Don't wait.
The first could be gall stones.The second sounds like a muscular strain.The poo problem could be worry.
Unless it is an emergency - ERs are not much use. See - you are still alive so it wasn't an emergency Sounds like it could be gall bladder - it could also be pleurisy - also, your liver is on the right side of your body. Yea - it is something a doctor should check out, and you will not get that in depth look from the ER. I suggest you find a doctor and make arraignments for payments. Good luck
It sounds like you may be having gall attacks. Could be gall stones but I would assume that any qualified ER would check that out. Try to avoid fatty foods. When I was having gall attacks that seemed to help but I had to have my gall bladder removed. I know that doctors are expensive but I would try and find a qualified physician in your area that you can talk to. If it is gall stones, it will not just simply go away.
It might be that the rib pain is one thing going on, %26 the vomiting/diarrhea is yet something else.
Do you have little bumps/blisters along that rib? Have you ever had chicken pox? . if so, the rib pain might be shingles.
The signs and symptoms of shingles may include:
-Pain, burning, tingling, itching, numbness or extreme sensitivity in a certain part of the body
-A red rash with fluid-filled blisters that begins a few days after the pain
-Upset stomach
Typically, the shingles rash occurs on only one side of the body. It often appears as a band of blisters that wraps from the middle of your back around one side of your chest to your breastbone, following the path of the nerve where the virus had been dormant.
Although the shingles rash may resemble chickenpox, the virus typically causes more pain and less itching the second time around.
If you did not pull a muscle to hurt your back, the next thing I thought of is costochondritis.
Here is some info from the Mayo Clinic's website; see if this fits your condition:Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). It causes sharp pain in the costosternal joint 鈥?where your ribs and breastbone are joined by rubbery cartilage. Pain caused by costochondritis may mimic that of a heart attack or other heart conditions.
Costochondritis is the most common cause of chest pain originating in the chest wall. It occurs most often in women and people over age 40. However, costochondritis can affect anyone, including infants and children.
Your doctor might refer to costochondritis by other names, including chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome and costosternal chondrodynia. When the pain of costochondritis is accompanied by swelling it's referred to as Tietze's syndrome.
Most cases of costochondritis have no apparent cause, and most go away on their own. This makes it difficult to treat. When there's no obvious cause, treatment is aimed at easing your pain while you wait for costochondritis to resolve on its own.
Costochondritis causes pain and tenderness in the places where your ribs attach to your breastbone (costosternal joints). Often the pain is sharp, though it can also feel like a dull, gnawing pain. Pain associated with costochondritis occurs most often on the left side of your breastbone, though it can occur on either side of your chest.
Other signs and symptoms of costochondritis may include:
-Pain when taking deep breaths
-Pain when coughing
-Difficulty breathing Costochondritis usually goes away on its own. The pain usually lasts a week or two and then resolves.
To ease your pain until it fades, your doctor may recommend:
-Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve).
-Antidepressants, specifically a category of medicines called tricyclic antidepressants, if pain is making it difficult to sleep at night.
-Muscle relaxants, which can also help ease pain.

I have severe anxiety?

I have said this before but, I have read alot of your questions about this problem. I have taken sooooo many medications trying to get rid of this but Nothing Helps. I get the tingling around my mouth, my body freezes up and when I am driving I feel like my heart is going to stop and I start panicking. this has been going on for so long I can't handle it. I see a therapist and a phyciatrist. they just keep me on klonopin,zoloft,remren I could go on and on. I have tried way too many and I barely have a brain left from the side affects. I lose my memory alot and I am sick of people looking at me strange when I try to answer a question. I just end up saying forget it! I have almost passed out during these flare ups. can someone please help me understand what causes this? I know all about the "relax part" that does not help. my mind goes 100mph even in my sleep. what is wrong with me?
You have panic/anxiety dissorder, I suffer from it as well and it is a living he L L .It took me some time to get over it, I know you probably feel like a guinea pig, as did I, but they finally found a medication that helped me, I have been on Paxil, Effexor and now on Celexa, with klonopin at night and ativan to help with the panic, it is so hard to explain to others just how it affects your everyday life, talk to your psychiatrist to see what best works for you, I know its really hard, but things did settle down for me, and life is much better! Hope this helps, take good care, peace. =)
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It must be really hard on you. I remember years ago I had some panic attacks for a short time, and the feeling was horrible.Unfortunately, I am not a doctor so I can't tell you why you are like this, but I can offer a couple pieces of advise: Research anxiety and panic attacks as much as you possibly can on the internet and gather information; and secondly, I would keep searching for a doctor that CAN find a solution for you. So often, I've had to keep looking and looking for the right doctor for me, and when I do, I still have to be equipped with as much information as possible.The only other thing I can think of is when one takes you over, "calming down" is an over simplication and much easier said than done. Instead, realize what is happening and that it will pass and you'll be fine once again when he episode passes.I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck to you.
I would ask your doctor to check your b-12 level. I am b-12 deficient which means my body can no longer absorb b-12 properly. I give myself injections every month.
My symptoms are VERY similiar to yours and I have gone through it all as well. I have severe episodes of tingling and temporary paralysis in my lips and mouth that lasts about 30 seconds to a minute and happens about 2 times a day. I often drool during the paralysis/episode and cannot form words or even speak. It is very very frightening. My doctor tested me for low b-12 and said that low b-12 very often presents with this symptom along with severe confusion, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, racing thoughts, severe fatigue and joint pain.
Also ask to have your 2 hr. glucose level checked to rule out either type 2 diabetes or relative hypoglycemia (blood sugar drops more than 20-25 points ,1-2 hours after eating)Good luck and hope this helps
What you've got is a clear cut case of depression.
There are more medications designed to treat the
disorder--which I suffered with for more tan 2 yrs.--
than you or I could shake a stick at.
The difference with me is that I was not able to try
out any of them, because I couldn't risk having any
other medication counteract the ones I take for my
But there's a certain common misconception that
I think it might help to call your attention to: when it
comes to therapy, psychiatrists and psychologists
are not the same thing; not by a long shot.
Whereas a psychiatrist can prescribe a medication
(which, for all you know, he/she might be getting
paid to endorse), they cannot talk to/with you one
a one-to-one, down-to-earth basis. (That's what a
psychologist can do; and you need to learn how
to cope with your depression--because that's not
an easy thing to do, and unfortunately, medications
can only make things a bit worse before they do
anything to relieve your anxieties.)
Look for a P.h.D. I think you'll thank yourself. Best of health %26 good luck.
well, if your diabetic, you could also have hepatitis c ! (hcv can cause a person to develope diabetes) a diseased liver will cause panic attacks because when it's damaged the toxins it's not filtering fast enough back up into the body and they do pass the blood brain barrier, causing panic attacks, depression and all sorts of weird stuff!
many doctors as well as those who do not experience panic attacks are unaware of the liver connection!
check your blood sugar on a regular basis, drop all caffiene foods/drinks, do not take anything or eat anything with iron in it and try to drink nothing but water. i have been where you are-panic attacks are not fun. i too tried antidepressant after antidepressant after anxiety meds and even some trycyclic meds and antipsychotics. nothing helped except the correct diagnosis and treatment (hcv and antiviral chemo) i have been prescription-DRUG free since treatment-no anti-depressants, no nothing! i really feel that not only the hcv, but all those pills i took for depression/anxiety caused me to acquire short term memory problems-which is why i do not work. i had many other symptoms, but they always dismissed them as being "all in my head".which in reality it was, just not in the context they referred to. you cannot treat a virus with anti-depressants/anxiety meds..and chemical imbalances can stem from toxins entering the blood brain barrier if one or more filtering organs are affected, however, the liver is the largest, so if a person is having panic attacks, look to the liver for answers!hugs!!! (do not rely on alt and ast levels in the case of hcv infection, mine were always normal for the most part, hence the doctor not testing beyond as it looked as tho my liver was fine-when in reality i had a virus!) dont forget to mention that when you see the doc! (((liver enzymes can appear normal in a person with chronic hcv infection and that a person has more a risk in developing diabetes type 2 because of hcv infection).**i might add here that in diabetes your nervous system is affected by poor blood circulation, which depletes oxygen.some medications will make it worse. try no caffiene for a while and see if it helps.(at least 6 months)

I have severe Anxiety, Panic Attacks,Social Phobia,is it safe to swich immediately from ativan to xanax?

been taking 1mg ativan for one month, sedates and eases Anxiety but doesn't help with my social phobia, I want to switch to Xanax to aid in my fear of social situations and fear of going out, is it safe to stop the ativan and go straight to the xanax?
I am NOT going to tell you anything but CALL your Doctor- he/she are the people that know you best!
IF they feel you should switch and ONLY on their advice I know it can be frustrating - thinking about getting a serious question answered- BUT for the most part i think the members that answer questions in this ANSWER COMMUNITY- want to see that you get the help you need and if we were to advise you to do something -knowing nothing about you--
the the community gets hurt as well as the individual asking.i hope after discussing this with your DR - you get what you want-- GOOD LUCK AND BE WELL!
You need to ask your doctor this - NOBODY should be giving you specific medical information like this without your medical records in front of them. PLEASE do not listen to anyone's advice here - even a doctor can't tell you what to do without knowing your medical history.
Please call your doctor tomorrow and ask him/her this question. I don't think many MDs spend their time on YA%26gt; They have too much to do.In my opinion, you should NEVER discontinue one med and take another without the advice of your doctor.
I agree
DON'T go playing "doctor". Only take the pills that are prescribed to you. If something is bothering you then tell your doctor. I don't want to see you in the back of my ambulance because you were playing doctor.
Hopefully your Dr. is making these changes in your medication. They are both benzoidiazapines with a longer duration of action are utilized to treat insomnia in patients with daytime anxiety. These benzodiazepines include alprazolam (Xanax庐), chlordiazepoxide (librium庐), clorazepate (Tranxene庐), diazepam (Valium庐, halazepam (Paxipam庐), lorzepam (Ativan庐), oxazepam (Serax庐), prazepam (Centrax庐), and quazepam (Doral庐). Clonazepam (Klonopin庐), diazepam, and clorazepate are also used as anticonvulsants
assuming that you do not happen to have both drugs on hand you will have to speak to your doctor anyway to switch your meds. be sure to ask your doctor at your next visit or the pharmacist when you get your prescription filled.
Hi! I鈥檓 so sorry to hear you鈥檙e feeling bad. I can't advice on Xanax, but I thought I would let you know that I had panics for 15 years and found a profound change as soon as I started Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The key to making it work for me was really working and sticking at it. The following 3 steps eliminated my panic attacks:1.Breathe properly - if you control your breathing, you control panic. As soon as you notice the signs of anxiety, check your breathing: breathe in slowly through your nose pushing your tummy out (to the count of 5 or so). Breathe out slowly and for a bit longer (to the count of 7 or so) through your mouth. Do not breathe rapidly or shallowly (in the chest area). This will soon restore the balance of oxygen and you will feel a lot better. 2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! CBT is proven to be the most effective thing for panic attacks and social anxiety. It takes a bit of work, but it is super effective. You can speak to your doctor about taking a course or you can take a course for free online at: http://www.livinglifetothefull.com/... It has been funded by NHS Scotland and has had great results thus far. 3. Try relaxation exercise tapes (progressive muscular relaxation). They really help if you practise often enough. This site has instructions on how to do it without the tapes (and other useful info): http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resource...You can do all of this while taking your medication. I hope this helps and you feel better soon. Don鈥檛 give up hope! Best of luck!
you need to read this guide by anxiety expert Joe Barry , his methode has helped thousands of people to be panic free without any medication using a new technique, http://www.endpanicattacks.co.nr... , its really a great guide , it should help you get rid of panic attacks forever in a few days
Hope this helps you and wish you the best of health

I have severe anaemia what can I do to help?

I went to the doctors today for migraines and was randomly diagnosed with severe anaemia... I was told it's not actually normal to feel tired and ill, and look like you've been dead for two weeks all the time and faint a lot... who knew? (Yeah in retrospect I maybe ought to have gone to the doctor before now.)So I have iron tablets have been told to eat lots of red meat, been put on the pill etc... does anyone else know anything I can do to help this? Especially since I really detest liver, and spinach etc. Of course if it's my health at risk I will force myself to eat that stuff but I'd much rather not... so does anyone have any ideas?Thanks
There are cells in our body, known as RBC or
red blood cells. These cells have iron on them.
Iron is what oxygen connects to on these cells
to transport the oxygen around and through
our body. When your iron becomes low, there
becomes a lack of oxygen that causes you to
feel tired and ill. You could even faint cause
your brain needs this oxygen and when it
goes too low, fainting causes your body to
slow down and not need much oxygen so
that the brain can have enough. I don't know all what you were told at the
doctor office, so I am adding this. Iron tablets
should never be taken with milk. Milk will
stop it from being absorbed by the body.
It is good to take it with orange juice...as this
will help it to be absorbed. Don't take antacids
anywhere near the time you take the iron pill.
Iron pills can interact with other medication you
may be taking...so be sure your doctor knows
all medication you are on, including herbs and
over the counter items. Here is a government sites On the list
on this page, you will see where it is marked
Iron...if you click on the "W" it will start with
the foods highest in iron and go down from there.http://www.ars.usda.gov/services/docs.ht...Another tip: When you are getting up out of
a chair or bed, sit on the bed for a few minutes
before standing up. This prevents the lowering
of the blood pressure which can cause you
to faint.
Some people get the diarrhea and others get
constipated with taking iron. The doctor
can give you something for constipation if
needed. You may notices that your bowel
movement will look dark or almost black...
this is the iron causing this, ..it is normal.
vitamin C has a good affect on iron absorption, so eating things like tomatoes and citrus fruits will help your body to use the iron which it is taking in. Many flours and breakfast cereals are iron enriched as well, and those are good sources in combination with the red meat. Liver is just nasty, and I don't blame you for not eating it, but spinach can be unobtrusively put into many things that you might like to eat. It can go in pasta sauce, on pizza, in stir fry, or in an omelet. If you combine it with cheese or a creamy sauce, the taste will become far less objectionable.

I have several pimples on my face...but the size is really to big and it is swollen around my pimples?

it really hurts..when i look at my face, i'm really so sad...i never had this problem until last year..can somebody tell me wat to do ? i've seeing my doctor and she also gave me some antibiotics..but it didn't work at all...what should i do next ?
ok, first 11. don't pick or pop it! that will only lead to scarring and it being more swollen and red.
2. try icing it. (icing- take a piece of ice in a plastic sandwich baggie and apply it to the pimple for about 2 minutes. and repeat 2 times) it will really help reduce the size and reduce inflammation.
3. if you have an acne cream, apply a dot before you go to bed to try and dry it out, if it starts getting too dry or flaky, discontinue.
i hope i helped you!
im not really sure what you can do but pro active is a great way to get rid of pimples and scars. my aunt and me both have it and its really amazing. trust me just try pro active.
I think you might need to change doctors. It is worth a try. If you do like your current one; please try to continue to try newer treatments. But a second opinion cannot hurt.
Acne and pimples is one of the most distressing and depressing problems . Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/... for more useful info.

I have seen an ENT Consultant today and he diagnosed a large nasal polyp in my right nasal passage...?

the consultant decided it would have to be removed asap. I am 35 weeks pregnant and he does not want to remove the polyp before the baby is born as a CT scan is required. I have suffered severe nosebleeds since being 3 months pregnant which he has confirmed is from my septum. Does anyone know the name of the procedure used to deal with the polyp and if it can be done under local anaesthetic as I am terrified of general anasthetic, thanks.
First of all, sorry that your going through this. Stress sucks, especially when you;re pregnant. Polypectomy鈥搑emoving nasal polyps by removing the polyps from the nose
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery鈥搑emoving the nasal polyps and opening the sinuses where the polyps formI'm not sure if they have to put you under general, but I'd imagine they would.I too have always been very scared of being put under. However, I did my research and realized that it's actually really really safe! I still haven't done it, but I'm comfortable with the idea now! Good luck!! Congrats on your upcoming arrival!
From all I have been told about this surgery it IS done under local.
I am desperately hoping that the treatment my doctor has given me for mine (using a steroid drop every other day) will continue to keep mine at bay forever!
I understand that this surgery is not necessarily going to cure the problem - the polyp can grow back!Have a look here for a bit more info:
It is called septoplasty. I would agree withthe doctor. I say this because I have had 2. The surgery is no joke. I took it lightly the 1st time and I thought I was going to die. I have never been pregnant but I can say this, That surgery is not to tried while pregnant. The reason the doctor may not want to do it while you are pregnant is because you have to like sleep with your mouth open for like 24 hours because it is so hard to breathe through your nose. You will be knocked out when it is done, local is the best way to go. With what the doctor has to do local is the only way to go. Check it out on the net, google it, I am sure you can see the prcedure done on the net.
Good Luck!!
It is called a nasal polypectomy, and I certainly would not advise you to have it done under a local anaesthetic, as its extremely painful done that way. It can be done as a day case, or if theres a risk you might bleed (which given your current symptoms it sounds like there is) then its just an overnight stay. You will almost certainly have packs up your nose (like tampons) for 4-6 hours following the op.
Good luck!
Sorry to say I cannot remember the name but I had the same problem "nasal polyps' one up each nasal passage and I had a general anaesthetic - pretty certain they wont do a local.
There are five different types of nasal polyps so removal and anaesthetic may vary.see link
I had the regular sinus surgery twice. The second time I had a severe asthma attack in the recovery room, so your fear of anasthetic is a valid one. I do not know of a procedure that can be done under a local anasthetic. During my last surgery I was given a breathing treatment beforehand to help with my breathing both during and after surgery, and I did not suffer any breathing problems. If you learn of a surgery that can be preformed under a local anasthetic, I would like to know about it because it is usually the case that htese polyps come back and need to be removed again. I would also be glad to avoid anesthetics.
Good luck with your surgery
I'm not sure if they will do a local anaesthetic-I had a large polyp removed from my right nasal passage %26 had to be placed under general anaesthetic for it!

I have scoliosis... and i have a question... could you answer it?

hello! i just got back from my doctor. and she said i have a little spine curvature... its turned 10 degrees to the right. the x-rays haven't come back yet.. but i would like to know some extra info about it... (dont just say google etc..) and if 10 degrees is critical or not. my doc said that i might need a brace to wear underneath my clothes! :(( would this be totally nessecary? (and by the time i pick best answer the diagnosis should be in... so... :( im just wonderin here... and no rude answers please! :) thanks!
Hey again Carly!
First of all, understand that 10 degrees is very mild, and nothing to get very worried about.
Weird coincidence, but I also have scoliosis (and kyphosis).
In regards to the brace... your doctor may treat this a little differently than they did me, so keep that in mind, but these days people mostly wear a night brace. The "older" way they treated the back problem was by wearing what they call a 23 hour brace. So that means you would have to wear it basically all the time except in the shower. The night brace is a newer version of treatment and has proven more efficient due to the fact that you do most of your growing at night. Either way, you must understand that both braces are designed to prevent further curvature, not to correct the curvature that you already have. Personally, I wore a night brace for 6 months, went to the doctor and they said it didn't help at all due to the fact that I had stopped growing. But every person is different, and it all depends on your growth plates and age (generally, if you're under 16 you're still treatable).
Good luck with everything, and I'm sure that everything will work out. Oh, and if you have any further questions regarding this (that you don't want to post on here for privacy or whatever) feel free to e-mail me, for I went through the same thing two years ago. :)
You should see a good orthopedist once all the diagnostic info is in. My son had a worse curve than yours when he was 14. He had to use a Boston brace to prevent the curvature from worsening, but only at night. He wore it for several years, until his Xrays showed that his growth plates had fused. Scoliosis can develop into serious problems if not treated. Please listen to your doctors and follow their advice. My son is now in his 20's and while he hated the whole thing, he's glad he used the brace.

I have scars on my arms and legs from either being scratched by the bottom of my bed to actaually being burned

what is the best method of cream to remove scars?.Next question i heard that if you need a quick fix with noticable scars on your legs you can use concealer to cover it or foundation is that true?
Use that mederma thing( scar med.). Its worth a try. Also WD-40 is very good for burns and will leave no scar! Its main ingredient is fish oil. You can also use vitamin E. Cover-up sounds like a good idea but it might leave streaks.Good luck I'm sure you'll be fine. And if someone notices them say they are battle wounds.
you suffer from mild, moderate or even severe hemorrhoid symptoms, try ZENMED ZIRO it really works. There are a variety of treatment options for hemorrhoids, including
temporary reliefs but ZENMED ZIRO works effectively on all types of skin. ZIRO Hemorrhoidal Treatment is a Naturally Powerful Way to Heal Hemorrhoids Thanks zenmed.com for such a great product. I am glad to receive Zenmed Ziro as gift, it has worked great and I will order again from them. Happy to find an affordable
hemorrhoid treatment that really works.

I have round scab looking marks on my legs and thighs and they keep appearing? what could they be?

i have problem skin already and i have been given medicine to treat it but it seems that it has gotten worse. what could be the problem?
Have you gone to the dermatologist? I know you said you have been given medicine for it, but you need to make sure you are going to a specialist not just a family practice.

I have red itchy spots that are bumpy on my legs thats getting worse, is it exma? if so how do i treat it?

Try e-45 cream but if it gets worse go to the doctors as it could be prickly heat rash
Do you have a cat or dog? It could be flea bites
dont sound like exma ,try e45 cream ,sounds like bites to me or a rash.xxkev xx
sounds like it
or poison ivy
but i'd say use hydrocortizone it worked for me. and pray
i had exzema really bad and i prayed and it went away.
Might also be an allergy to grass, or hives.Excema isn't spotty, its patches of itchy dry skin, sometimes it even looks scaly!
Try an antihistamine tablet (like Piriton) - if the itching decreases and the redness gets less then you have an allergic reaction to a bite or sting (as already described above!)
Could be from flea bites but sounds like a good case of chiggers which you can get from being in the weeds or grass. Poison ivy is also a possibility. Don't scratch, put on some cortisone cream from a drugstore or Wal=Mart. If it gets oozy and spreads its probably poison ivy or something like that. If its chiggers put on a clear fingernail polish and after several days they will die. Chiggers are alive under the skin and this smothers them and makes them die.
Do you shave your legs? If so, this may be ingrown hairs. If it is, the following may help:
1. Do not shave until the end of your shower/bath.
2. Use a shaving lotion or cream with moisturizer.
3. Do not use a dull razor.
4. Shave with short, gentle strokes, rising the razor frequently.
5. Use a good nonperfumed lotion after you shave.
Have you been out in the sun, if so it may be prickly heat, try calamine lotion.
Visual examination by your doctor is the quickest way of finding out what you have.
Ah ah ah ah... that's what I got a few months back! Does it ooze? Anyway, it might be eczema...so used the over-the-counter hydrocortisone. Trust me, if it eczema you should treat it right away. And the OTC hydrocortizone has enough concentration of te active ingredient to cure the eczema, but won't have any significant side effects, if what you have is not an eczema. So go buy it already!
Eczema can be either small blisters or dry pathy areas, it isnt usually spotty. If you have an animal it may well be flea bites. Insted of asking here go and see your doctor or practice nurse to get some professional advice.
Easy to recognise 4 me I had em b4 do not touch them they can spread there is no cure where ever they are on u always wear something over them to stop temptation they will get bigger then if you dont disturb them they will finally just stop and you may have a few scars that you can hardly see it is common dr's used to burn and freeze them but they found out that it is better to just leave them!
there could be many explanations for this! it could be something as heat rash or something as big as meningitis if your worried about press a clear glass over it and if it disappears your fine. go and see a dermatologist to get this sorted, but if you do have exma simple cream may be applied and you will be fine.

I have red blotches on my feet that have spread to the bottom half of my leg it is not cellulitis any ideas?

Might be bad circulation..
Are you sure they are not bites?
Some type of rash that you should probably tell your doctor about.
soak them in a vinegar bath, use Heinz apple cider vinegar, about 1 1/2 cup in your bath water and soak for a long time, it is healing to skin disorders. Give it a try, it is cheap and has helped me, it is good to use if you get yeast infections also. good luck
It could have something to do with your circulation. Show your parents and they may want to take you to the doctor. Good luck!
Soak your feet in warm water and baking soda - it balances the ph balance and look up web md for pictures it could just be athlete's foot or the beginning stages of something else.
Why are you asking us? You should get yourself to a dermatologist ASAP. If you walk around bare-footed, as many of us do, it could be a simple contact dermatitis. The doctor will give you an antibiotic cream or cortisone-based cream. Don't put off the doctor visit. If it started on your feet, and is going up your leg ----- you don't want that.
Tinea Versicolor - "Ringworm"
You might have what we call psoriasis http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/psori...
you may have a mild case of it , if this is the case you need photo therapy .This is not cellulites at all what you have, you might have eczema also , check on the net and try to find pictures of problematic skin ,or go to a doctor he should be able to tell you what it is ..
Good luck
Could you have stepped into some poison ivy and scratching has spread it?
could it be that your feet are covered in dirt %26 you havent cleaned them :%26#92;
It might be what I had last year, Varicose eczema. It is caused by poor circulation. as I always advise on these questions, go see your doctor.
Sounds similar to what I have just been diagnosed with (Henoch schonlein purpura), go see your dr and ask to be refered to a dermatologist.

I have recurring abcesses under my arm antibiotics work for a short time need something that will work?

It would depend on where the abscesses are occurring. Yes, I know you said under your arm. Can I assume you mean in the armpit? As I said, it depends. Are you abcessing in a sweat gland, a lymph gland? Are the abcesses in the skin without gland involvement? Perhaps you need to have an abcess cultured to find out the organism is. Most likely Staph. Speak to your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on the best course of action.
try using a different deodorant
Is your blood sugar under control? Diabetes makes you prone to infection and it prolongs wound healing. Check your blood sugar specially your HbA1C (your average blood sugar level) and if it's not within the controlled level it might be causing your recurrent infection. I think its best that you consult your doctor for proper medication.Good day!
I guess you will have to try and find out the underlying cause if they keep recurring.Do you shave under your arms? Do you get these at certain times of the month? (could be hormonal), are you run down? (could be lymph nodes).Have a chat with your doctor and see what he says.Good luck and by the way, sometimes these things just clear up on their own in the end.
Diabetics are more prone to all forms of bacterial infection as bacteria grow well if sugar levels are raised. If the problem continues the only other option may be surgical. A diamond of skin can be removed from your axilla on each side. The removes most of the glands, whose blockage leads to the infection.
Only support to offer I'm afraid, so poor you. Years ago I suffered with recurring underarm abcesses for at least 6 months. I used antibiotics when prescribed and finally poked and prodded about and got loads of gunk out (not that I suggest you do the same of course!). Now my underarm is pretty scared and feels hollow under my skin in places. At the time warm bathing helped to express the gunk out of the boil like thing. Sounds gross but the first time I lifted my arm to see why it hurt it popped all down the wall!It hurts like mad I remember. I was sure it was brought on my using a hair removal product in the frst place. I avoided shaving the area to until I no longer suffered episodes. Used quite a few strong pain killers too.Best of luck hope it all goes away soon for you

I have recently got out of the hospital with not so good news...help?!?

Okay, I got out of the hospital recently. I found out that I have blood clots in my lungs. the doctors put me on coumadin which is a blood thinner. I also found out that I have Lupus Anti-coagulant which means that I have a higher chance of getting clots because it is genetic. Does anyone out there know anyone on this medacine? I'm still young and cant do things I used to, how do you cope? I know things can be worse, I just wanna talk to someone who knows a bit of what I'm going through.
I know exactly what you are going thru. I'm 37 years old and I was diagnosed when I was 20. I got a blood clot in my leg and the doc did not understand why I had a clot in my leg. They asked if I had bumped my leg or did something to it and I told them no. Then after I got out of the hospital for my DVT, I was sent to a Rheumatologist. At this time, this is when I got the horrible news that I had Lupus and Antiphosphilipid Syndrome which is the blood clotting disorder. I was devasted but fortunatly I had minor flare ups in my joints. Then I got pregnant with my first child at age 26 and I felt so good while I was pregnant. They had me take two shots daily of Heprin (blood thinner) in my stomach during the whole pregnancy. I was able to breastfeed after my pregnancy also. So all was good and then I got prego again in 98 and had my second child. Wow, what a miracle! The docs did not expect me to carry either baby to 40 weeks but I did and worked full time also. After my second baby though, I started to slow down and the Lupus was really hurting me more and more and making me soooooo tired. I struggled until the year 2000 when I had my first full body flareup where I could not even move my body and had to be put in the hospital. After that it has been rough since then. I worked full time untill 2005 when I had a subdural hematoma in my brain because of the blood thinners. Don't get me wrong, all this sounds scarey but you have to look around you and see that things happen all the time to people. People are diagnosed with something everyday and no one, No One in this world is guaranteed tomorrow. Just cause you have a disease does not mean you will die tomorrow or the next day. Some people don't even have a problem and get in a car wreck and die that day. Nobody knows what will happen in the future but to me, GOD has it all written out already and there is nothing that any of us can do about it. I do get depressed, scared where I can't sleep at night just looking at my kids wondering how they would do without me. It's just a strength that you really have to find deep inside you to help you thru those bad days. Like right now, I'm up at 12:07 at night and can't sleep because I going thru one of those depression things where you feel so scared and so out of control because you feel like you have no control of this stupid disease and it is so scarey. But you have to talk to yourself or someone to help calm your nerves down. I'm real scared, real scared about what news I'm going to hear next or where its attacking me next. But, the more I worry, the worst it hurts me because stress will trigger a flare so I try things to help calm my nerves. My friend introduced me to smoke some MJ to help calm my nerves and it does plus its supposed to be a immunsuppressive drug to slow down the antibodies.
I have found that cutting out beef helps reduce my flare-up and helps my stomach also. Do you know what your sed rate is? I hope this helps and if you need to talk at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. I truely understand.
I'm so sorry, dear. This is a lot to take in, I'm sure. I will be posting some sites to help. Some are informational, some are chat boards for patients like yourself. Hang in there and best wishes to you. http://www.lupus.org/newsite/index.html... http://dailystrength.org/support/muscles...
check under the search engine about how to deal with it. i do not know what u are going thru but i wil be ur friend thru this dogmicjoe@yahoo.com.
I am so sorry to hear about that, It does sound like you may have SLE (Lupus), pending some other blood test, and the meeting of some other critera, if they have not already done that. comadin, is a blood thinner, which can help thin present clots and help prevent new ones from forming. Lupus is an autoimmune disease which can attack any part of your body. I have it, and it has hit many areas of my body. It can run from mild to severe. There are periods of flares and remmissons, right now you are having a huge flare. In todays modern medicine world, there are so many ways to keep us alive, and barring the worst of flares keep us with a decent quality of life. In fact I had a bad flare and just got of IV Chemo, and Im doing ok, Ive had Lupus about 20 years, my journey was longer, getting a diagnosis in my situation and with my issues was much more difficult then then it would be now. The best think, and I hope you have it is family and friends who will be there for you. Outside support, online, face to face support groups, whatever you like better. I own an online group, and for many memeber it helps, the get to talk, gain information, vent, and even laugh. Here is some info from web md on the drugs basics:
This medication is used to treat blood clots and/or to prevent new clots from forming in your body. Preventing harmful blood clots helps to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Conditions that increase your risk of developing blood clots include a certain type of irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation), heart valve replacement, and recent heart attack.Warfarin is commonly called a "blood thinner," but its more correct term is anticoagulant. It helps to keep blood flowing smoothly in your body by decreasing the amount of certain substances (clotting proteins) in your blood.here is the 11 diagnostic critera for lupus from Yahoo health
Diagnostic criteria for lupus
The following criteria are used to distinguish lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE) from other autoimmune and rheumatic diseases. A person with 4 of these 11 conditions can be diagnosed with lupus; 3 symptoms suggest that lupus is probably present, and 2 raise the possibility of lupus. Symptoms may be present all at once or appear in succession over a period of time. 1 Butterfly (malar) rash on cheeks
Rash on face, arms, neck, torso (discoid rash)
Skin rashes that result from exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light (photosensitivity)
Mouth or nasal ulcers, usually painless
Joint swelling, stiffness, pain involving two or more joints (arthritis)
Inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lungs (pleuritis) or heart (pericarditis). This inflammation is called serositis.
Abnormalities in urine, such as increased protein or clumps of red blood cells or kidney cells, called cell casts, in the urine
Nervous system problems, such as seizures or psychosis, without known cause
Problems with the blood, such as reduced numbers of red blood cells (anemia), platelets, or white blood cells
Positive antinuclear antibody (ANA) test
Signs of increased autoimmunity (antibodies against normal tissue), as shown by laboratory tests Good luck, and Im sorry this happened to you
Chris, Lupus paitent and suvivor
I am so sorry. Many, many people take Coumadin. Did the doctor suggest using a procedure to capture the clots by going through a vein or not? Sometimes they can do that if they are in a reachable location. Just be still. Don't move a lot or get over active right now until the clots break up. This is a very serious problem. You need prayer. Do you have a church family to call to come support you? Find one in your area. Make a call or ask someone you know. You need people to love you and support you with prayer right now. You need God to heal you.

I have really oily skin. Have any tricks or tips?

I am tired of having a shinny face all the time.. Please if you have ideas to reduce or stop the problem of oily skin help me out.. thank you..
One Word...NOXEMA. It will work wonders!
I sell Mary Kay cosmetics and we have an oil mattifier that will control the oil for up to 8 hours..you can wear it under make up or alone and it really helps..if you would like to order some i will ship it to you for free...malanina111@yahoo.com!!
hope this helps
Blotting paper. There's all kinds of brands and they all work. You can carry them with you where ever you go and you don't have to worry about a shiny nose.
An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to http://useinfo-oilyskin.blogspot.com/...

I have really light thin eye brows!!?

is there any type of product to use to help me get thicker eye brows!! if so please help!! if not then how can i make them darker but natural!! WITHOUT drawing them in?
go to a salon that offers eyebrow tinting services... most of them do when you first get them done they might look a little un natural to you but that is because the color change but they always turn out looking great
Well there isnt really any way to get them to seem darker sorry
Have you thought of cosmetic tattooing? I've seen some amazing results. I'm thinking about it myself because I have the same type of eyebrows. DON'T just go to any tattoo parlor. Do some research in your area (on internet ?) for specifically Cosmetic tattooing. I'd like to have my eyeliner done too.

I have really bad asthma and want to know any good inhalers or objects?

Hi,I have really bad asthma in the summer normlly and i have got but i use the same one again and again. What i use is easi-breathe. My friends and family who have asthma also have pillows ad stuff like that, but i dont know if they are expensive.If you know any thing that will help and te prise if you can rember please answer back. Thanksalot :D !
If its worse in summer it could be linked to allergic rhinitis and a drug called montelukast would help
Mattress and pillow covers help as does vacumming your mattress
Combivent and Advair are the best. You'll need a prescipt if in the USA. If your overseas you can get it from a phamacy.
Ask your doc if you can be prescribed Spiriva. Each dosage works for 24 hours.
That's an incredibly in depth question to ask with very little detail.
Easi-Breath...... there's a variety of those around. If you're referring to a 'reliever' then it doesn't matter how many times you're using it. Relievers will only ease the symptoms and do little or nothing for the underlying cause. You need to get on top of the cause and treat any underlying inflamation.
Go and make an appointment with your local surgery. Ask if they have a Nurse Specialist and get your asthma under control. You need to have a detailed discussion with someone who knows what they're doing.
I HAD cronic asthma I talked to my doctor and he put me on advair diskus and my asthma is GONE!!. and as soon as I don't take it I have trouble. trust me this stuff is very good!

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