Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have sugar everyday, is that bad?

like oatmeal tastes bland with out sugar and like my tea and stuff. is it too much?/? should i always try to use a little bit or try to use none at all?? i have already tried the suger replacements but doctor said that they're unhealthy and plus costly for me !!i just don't want diabeties and stuff
Sugar does not, I repeat--does not!, cause diabetes. Genetics and overweight does. Because sugar is a carb, then a diabetic does have to watch how much they eat but they don't have to cut it out of their diet. Go to dlife.com for info. Professionals formed the site, they answer questions and they give true info.
If you don't use a lot of it, and dont have it in a lot of other foods, it won't hurt you.
diabeties runs throu my family but i have sugar everyday...
in my coffee which i have 1 suga..i have around 3cups a day
Well, to stay healthy, you want to avoid TOO much sugar, but also to stay healthy you need to have a reasonable amount of sugar each day. You must watch the sugar counts especially if diabetes runs in your family...
It's really all about balance... just educate yourself about the contents of prepackage foods %26 sugars in juices %26 so forth.
It's better to be PRO-Active rather the Re-Active to problems
caused by unhealthy food. Honestly, the more natural, uncooked foods, the better- the best to keep off the white stuff
sugar, flour, %26 sodiem, and you'll be doing your body good-
or atleast cut way down, use it to lightly season-only!
Maybe spreading out your sugar intake will help your situation. If I'm not mistaken, the problem you want to avoid is forcing your pancreas to produce lots of insulin to balance a high sugar level. If you eventually get pregnant, you will be give a glucose tolerance test and that will provide some information as to how your body handles sugar.
just try less sugar and in the morning if u eat oatmeal try cereal and you can have little sugar in tea but try 2 add lemon 2 it
eating too much sugar does NOT cause diabetes!! eating too much sugar will eventually make ya fat.and one of the main factors in developing TYPE 2 diabetes is being overweight

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