Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have severe anxiety?

I have said this before but, I have read alot of your questions about this problem. I have taken sooooo many medications trying to get rid of this but Nothing Helps. I get the tingling around my mouth, my body freezes up and when I am driving I feel like my heart is going to stop and I start panicking. this has been going on for so long I can't handle it. I see a therapist and a phyciatrist. they just keep me on klonopin,zoloft,remren I could go on and on. I have tried way too many and I barely have a brain left from the side affects. I lose my memory alot and I am sick of people looking at me strange when I try to answer a question. I just end up saying forget it! I have almost passed out during these flare ups. can someone please help me understand what causes this? I know all about the "relax part" that does not help. my mind goes 100mph even in my sleep. what is wrong with me?
You have panic/anxiety dissorder, I suffer from it as well and it is a living he L L .It took me some time to get over it, I know you probably feel like a guinea pig, as did I, but they finally found a medication that helped me, I have been on Paxil, Effexor and now on Celexa, with klonopin at night and ativan to help with the panic, it is so hard to explain to others just how it affects your everyday life, talk to your psychiatrist to see what best works for you, I know its really hard, but things did settle down for me, and life is much better! Hope this helps, take good care, peace. =)
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. It must be really hard on you. I remember years ago I had some panic attacks for a short time, and the feeling was horrible.Unfortunately, I am not a doctor so I can't tell you why you are like this, but I can offer a couple pieces of advise: Research anxiety and panic attacks as much as you possibly can on the internet and gather information; and secondly, I would keep searching for a doctor that CAN find a solution for you. So often, I've had to keep looking and looking for the right doctor for me, and when I do, I still have to be equipped with as much information as possible.The only other thing I can think of is when one takes you over, "calming down" is an over simplication and much easier said than done. Instead, realize what is happening and that it will pass and you'll be fine once again when he episode passes.I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck to you.
I would ask your doctor to check your b-12 level. I am b-12 deficient which means my body can no longer absorb b-12 properly. I give myself injections every month.
My symptoms are VERY similiar to yours and I have gone through it all as well. I have severe episodes of tingling and temporary paralysis in my lips and mouth that lasts about 30 seconds to a minute and happens about 2 times a day. I often drool during the paralysis/episode and cannot form words or even speak. It is very very frightening. My doctor tested me for low b-12 and said that low b-12 very often presents with this symptom along with severe confusion, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, racing thoughts, severe fatigue and joint pain.
Also ask to have your 2 hr. glucose level checked to rule out either type 2 diabetes or relative hypoglycemia (blood sugar drops more than 20-25 points ,1-2 hours after eating)Good luck and hope this helps
What you've got is a clear cut case of depression.
There are more medications designed to treat the
disorder--which I suffered with for more tan 2 yrs.--
than you or I could shake a stick at.
The difference with me is that I was not able to try
out any of them, because I couldn't risk having any
other medication counteract the ones I take for my
But there's a certain common misconception that
I think it might help to call your attention to: when it
comes to therapy, psychiatrists and psychologists
are not the same thing; not by a long shot.
Whereas a psychiatrist can prescribe a medication
(which, for all you know, he/she might be getting
paid to endorse), they cannot talk to/with you one
a one-to-one, down-to-earth basis. (That's what a
psychologist can do; and you need to learn how
to cope with your depression--because that's not
an easy thing to do, and unfortunately, medications
can only make things a bit worse before they do
anything to relieve your anxieties.)
Look for a P.h.D. I think you'll thank yourself. Best of health %26 good luck.
well, if your diabetic, you could also have hepatitis c ! (hcv can cause a person to develope diabetes) a diseased liver will cause panic attacks because when it's damaged the toxins it's not filtering fast enough back up into the body and they do pass the blood brain barrier, causing panic attacks, depression and all sorts of weird stuff!
many doctors as well as those who do not experience panic attacks are unaware of the liver connection!
check your blood sugar on a regular basis, drop all caffiene foods/drinks, do not take anything or eat anything with iron in it and try to drink nothing but water. i have been where you are-panic attacks are not fun. i too tried antidepressant after antidepressant after anxiety meds and even some trycyclic meds and antipsychotics. nothing helped except the correct diagnosis and treatment (hcv and antiviral chemo) i have been prescription-DRUG free since treatment-no anti-depressants, no nothing! i really feel that not only the hcv, but all those pills i took for depression/anxiety caused me to acquire short term memory problems-which is why i do not work. i had many other symptoms, but they always dismissed them as being "all in my head".which in reality it was, just not in the context they referred to. you cannot treat a virus with anti-depressants/anxiety meds..and chemical imbalances can stem from toxins entering the blood brain barrier if one or more filtering organs are affected, however, the liver is the largest, so if a person is having panic attacks, look to the liver for answers!hugs!!! (do not rely on alt and ast levels in the case of hcv infection, mine were always normal for the most part, hence the doctor not testing beyond as it looked as tho my liver was fine-when in reality i had a virus!) dont forget to mention that when you see the doc! (((liver enzymes can appear normal in a person with chronic hcv infection and that a person has more a risk in developing diabetes type 2 because of hcv infection).**i might add here that in diabetes your nervous system is affected by poor blood circulation, which depletes oxygen.some medications will make it worse. try no caffiene for a while and see if it helps.(at least 6 months)

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