Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have spinal stenosis lately i have terrible pain in my legs dose anyone know what this could be?

Spinal stenosis is described as narrowing of the spinal canal (where spinal cord and nerves go from your brain down).There are many causes for spinal stenosis, the most common cause is degenerative (due to aginig) but it could be congenital, could be due to slipping of one of the vertebrae or disc herniation (slipped disc ).The main symptoms are bilateral (Both legs) leg pain (leg pain is more than back pain), mainly when you walk or stand for a long period of time, the pain usually relieved by sitting down or bending your back.Spinal stenosis causes compression (and stretching) of the nerves going down to your legs, this is why you feel leg pain.You need to have MRI scan to know exactly the cause, the degree and the level of your spinal stenosis.The treatment depends on the degree of stenosis (narrowing), the cause, the level ( whether it is one level or multiple levels ) and the age of the patient.If the degree of narrowing is severe and the patient is active and fit for surgery, the treatement is surgical decompression of the spinal canal ( this entails removing the bony arch at the back of the vertebra to create more room for the nerves and spinal cord ) . If stenosis is affecting more than one vertebra you will need decompression of the vertebrae AND fusion ( the decomressed vertebrae have to be fused or stiffened together using bone graft ).Some minor degree of stenosis might respond to steroid injection in to the spinal canal (epidural injection) followed by physiotherapy.Good Luck
As far as the leg pain, it could be related to your stenosis and /or could be nerve pain or an inflamed sciatic nerve. If you have not yet been evaluated by a neurologist, now may be a good time. My husband also has stenosis of the spine. I don't mean to paint a bleak picture for you, but after trying pain meds (a waste of time - it did not cure/help the pain) lumbar injections, and various forms of physical therapy, my husband finally had to resort to back surgery. So far he has had 2 surgeries (and refuses to have any more) and has been able to get rid of some of the pain. He still has some pain in his back and legs, and his left foot is partially numb. But, at least he is now able to return to work. Before the surgeries, he would have days where his pain was so bad (and he's a pretty tough guy) he literally could not get out of bed and would end up missing work. Best of luck to you - I understand the pain that you are experiencing.
Hi, been down the road you are travelling now.I too have trouble with my back,I suffered with pain in my leg,I was told that I had a herinated disc in lumbar spine.I tried every thing but in the end i required surgery.I had 2 surgerys.I still have no relief Once nerves are damaged I really don't know what to say.The pain in your legs come from your problem in your back.You probably have tingling and numbness as well.If the pain continues,I would return to my doctor,to see if there is anything they can do.They may refer you to a neurosurgeon,or another specialist.I really understand what you are experienceing.Please take care,I wish you well.

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