Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have strep throat and can't eat anything it burns help please!?

I got a shot from my doctor in the hip so I'm really sore I can swallow my spit now but I can't eat anything it burns I need advice
Try cool things--popsicles and ice cream. No nutritional value, but it will feel good on your throat. Besides, you feel crummy; you deserve a little treat! It's only for a day or two, and by then your antibiotic will have kicked in and it won't be such an issue anymore.Also, to keep hydrated, suck on ice cubes/chips. The cold will soothe your tonsils, and you really need to keep your fluids up as much as possible.When your throat starts to feel better, start on some warm things: tea, soup, ramen, etc.Hope you're feeling better soon! Strep sucks! { }
I have strep too! :( I have tried eating top ramen noodle stuff. and drinking Ensure Plus. I know how you feel...
Try something cold, like icecream or a milk shake. Jello is a good thing to eat also. It slides right down. Maybe scrambled eggs, applesauce and how about pudding. Good Luck!
Just fight through it. I had strep about a month ago. in a day or two it should calm down a little. Try to drink lots of water even though it hurts so you wont get dehydrated.
maybe melted ice cream would help. It will still hurt some but not as much and you wont be hungry. Cold drinks-especially water are good too but stay away from citrus and carbonation; it will scratch and hurt worse. Apple juice and the like will work best. Good luck!
Liquid Advil or Ibuprofen. Follw the directions on the bottle. This help releive the pain while the antibiotic is working.
The best thing is numbing medicine. Either cepacol drops or spray or phenol spray. Give the back of your trhoat a good shot of it and it'll get numb enough for you to eat somthing. Don't eat anything to abrasive though, or when it wears off you'll pay the price. Stick to soft stuff like the others gave advice for, applesauce/ice cream etch. Don't overdose on your numbing medicine either...use it as is directed on the bottle.


  1. Would Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles work? I have it too, I haven't eaten anything in a while, and I'm hungry.. :/

  2. I haven't ate or drank anything for over 24 hours because the pain is so bad. I literally have to spit in a bucket because i can't swallow anything. I tried sprays, salt water and frozen treats but I only feel minor changes that don't really do much. I super hungry and thirsty but if any bring myself to "fight through the pain. I feel like I'm about to die. Pray for me🤒


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