Saturday, October 31, 2009

I have low low iron in my blood, does black pudding help me ?

Black pudding is made from pig's blood, and is quite high in saturated fat. There are better ways to get your iron - red meat, eggs, shellfish and any green leafy veg. Liver is one of the best sources of iron, and a complete protein. however, it's high in cholesterol, so avoid it if you're on a low cholesterol diet. Chick peas, lentils, sardines, adzuki and haricot beans are also good.
green leafy veg and red meat are high iron.
i have had lots of low iron problems and increasing my red meat intake and drinking vegetable juice with spinach and other vegetables fixes the problem for me every time. Take vitamin c with a meal too as it will help your body absorb iron from the food.
Yes black pudding is full of iron. Also it is already in the 'haem' state and more readily available than plant sources.

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