Saturday, October 31, 2009


ok im 12 years old and i study at school 5 days a week 7:00a.m.-4:10p.m. what will i do to my mumps? how many days will i absent? pls help
you will have to be absent at least 2 or 3 days till they clear up. if you have an excuse the school wil let you make up the time you lost.
You will be absent as long as the swelling lasts, i.e. about 8 to 10 days. Do not eat hard and sour things. Eat soft foods like cereal. For fever, take Tylenol. It is a self- limited condition. You can not do much for it. it is infectious as long as the swelling lasts. Take rest.
Mumps can be serious. I don't think it matters how many days you miss. What is important is to not expose other people to it. There is a vaccine for it . No need for anyone to get that disease any more.
being the fact that Mumps is highly contagious you will be out of school at least until you are not contagious anymore (when you have no fever). Just make certain that your parents get a note from your doctor.
You need to be on antibiotics until you are no longer contagious. If not they may infect other parts of the lymphatic system, (think testicles) you were contageous before the fever and swelling started. You will be tired and need to rest. You can get your work to do at home in short sessions Here in Canada it has to be reported to the health department

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